The Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery and Food Engineers is a scientific organization dedicated to the advancement of science and technology applicable to agricultural machinery, agricultural structure and agricultural mechanization. The history of JSAM dates back to March 1937, when various parties involved with agricultural machinery established the organizing committee, and the inaugural meeting was subsequently held at the University of Tokyo on 10th April 1937. Although JSAM was forced to temporarily discontinue its scientific activities (annual meetings and publication) around the end of World War II, we now continue to be an important contributor to agricultural development in accordance with the mission statement proposed at the time of our founding. The current membership of JSAM exceeds 1200 people and companies, making it the nation’s leading agricultural engineering society. The areas in which our members are involved have greatly expanded from agricultural machinery alone to include plants, animals, and cultivation systems. Agricultural machinery is developing into biological engineering by making full use of mechatronics and other advanced technologies. JSAM will continue to offer a platform for the exchange of technical information and knowledge on advanced research and technology developments in the area of agricultural, food and biological engineering.
In order to achieve its overarching mission, JSAM conducts the following activities:
- The Journal of JSAM is edited and published 6 times per year and many other publications, including handbooks are produced.
- JSAM organizes, supports, co-sponsors and hosts several meetings and symposia in its effort to provide opportunities to exchange ideas and information on agricultural machinery and related topics.
- JSAM supports young researchers through Acty 21 and other activities.
Research Topics
- Bioenergy and Renewable Energy (RE)
- Biological Engineering (BE)
- Biomechatronics and Robotics (BR)
- Food and Processing Engineering (FE)
- Food Safety (FS)
- Information and Electrical Technology (IE)
- Power and Machinery (PM)
- Precision Agriculture (PA)
- Sensor Technology (ST)
- Structure and Environmental Technology (ET)
- Systems Engineering (SE)
- Waste Management (WM)
- Others
(Based on a sampling of Conference topics ISMAB2010, Fukuoka, Japan)